Md. Rajjab Sharif , is the founder of Shorif melamine is recognized as the largest melamine industries in Bangladesh employing over 3000 people. Under the leadership of Md. Rajjab Sharif, Shorif melamine having come into existence as first melamine industries of the country in 1986.science it s glorious and successful commercial debut. Bangladesh Sharif Melamine has simultaneously explored its export market so far in fourteen countries namely United states of America, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Kazakhstan, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Abudhabi, Dubai, India, Bhutan and Australia.
Md. rajjab sharif was born in October 05, 1953. He is managing director of Sharif melamine industries(pvt.) ltd. also managing director of Sharif pharmaceuticals ltd. and housing company limited. And director of sonar bangle insurance limited. And the federation of Bangladesh chamber of commerce & industry (fbcci).He was ex- director of Bangladesh chamber of industries (bci)